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Feed Specifications

Mapping Between Google Merchant Product Properties and Properties

Customers and integrators can further enhance the Product graphs by using webhooks.

Google Merchant Product PropertyDescription
offerIdrequiredskuThe product SKU
titlerequirednameThe product name
descriptionrequireddescriptionThe product description; HTML is allowed
linkrequiredurlThe product URL
imageLinkrequiredimageThe main product image; must have a ratio of 1:1, 4:3, or 16:9 and be at least 1,600 pixels wide
additionalImageLinksrecommendedimageOther product images; provide at least three ratios: 1:1, 4:3, and 16:9
availabilityrequiredavailabilityAllowed values: InStock, LimitedAvailability, OnlineOnly, Discontinued, InStoreOnly, OutOfStock, SoldOut, PreOrder, PreSale, BackOrder
price_valuerequiredpriceThe price without currency and thousands separator; use a period (.) to separate decimals
price_currencyrequiredpriceCurrencyThe currency in 3-letter uppercase format
brandrecommendedbrandThe brand name
canonicalLinkrecommendedurlThe product's canonical page URL
gtinrecommendedgtin (or gtin8, gtin12, gtin13, gtin14)The Global Trade Item Number
conditionrecommendeditemConditionAllowed values: NewCondition, RefurbishedCondition, DamagedCondition, UsedCondition
shipping0_price_valuerecommendedshippingRate.valueThe shipping price without currency and thousands separator; use a period (.) to separate decimals
shipping0_price_currencyrecommendedshippingRate.currencyThe currency in 3-letter uppercase format
shipping0_countryrecommendedshippingDestination.addressCountry2-letter uppercase country code
shippingWeight_valuerecommendedweight.valueThe product weight
shippingWeight_unitrecommendedweight.unitTextThe weight unit
idoptional-The merchant ID, if available
sourceoptional-The feed source
contentLanguageoptional-The content language 2-letter lowercase code
targetCountryoptional-The target country 2-letter uppercase code
feedLabeloptional-The feed name
channeloptional-The target channel
googleProductCategoryoptional-Google-defined product category
itemGroupIdoptionalinProductGroupWithIDA parent SKU to group variant products
age_grouprecommendedaudience.suggestedMinAge, audience.suggestedMaxAgeThe intended demographic age range
genderrecommendedaudience.suggestedGenderThe intended gender
colorrecommendedcolorThe product's color(s)
materialrecommendedmaterialThe product's fabric or material
product_typerecommended-The product category defined by you

Recent Updates:

  • Newly Added Properties:
    • additionalImageLinksimage Additional images for the product, supports multiple image URLs
    • canonicalLinkurl The canonical URL of the product, ensuring search engines reference the correct page
    • itemGroupIdinProductGroupWithID Used to group product variants under a common identifier
    • age_groupaudience.suggestedMinAge, audience.suggestedMaxAge Defines the intended audience age range: newborn 0.0-0.25 years, infant 0.25-1.0 years, toddler 1.0-5.0 years, kids 5.0-13.0 years, adult 13.0+ years
    • genderaudience.suggestedGender Specifies the gender targeting: Female, Male, Unisex
    • shipping0_price_valueshippingRate.value Specifies the shipping cost, using a decimal format
    • shipping0_price_currencyshippingRate.currency The currency of the shipping cost in 3-letter uppercase format
    • shipping0_countryshippingDestination.addressCountry Indicates the shipping destination using a 2-letter country code
    • colorcolor Defines the color of the product as described by the merchant
    • materialmaterial Indicates the fabric or material composition of the product