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Feed Specifications

Field separator: \t Array separator: , To use comma not as a separator, encode it to %2C EquivalentDescription
offerIdrequiredskuThe product sku
titlerequirednameThe product name
descriptionrequireddescriptionThe product description, html is allowed
linkrequiredurlThe product URL
imageLinkrequiredimageThe product main image, must be one of these ratios: 1x1, 4x3 or 16x9. Minimum 1.600 pixels wide.
availabilityrequiredavailabilityAllowed values: InStock or in_stock, LimitedAvailability, OnlineOnly, Discontinued, InStoreOnly, OutOfStock or out_of_stock, SoldOut, PreOrder or preorder, PreSale, BackOrder or backorder.
price_valuerequiredpriceThe price without currency and thousands separator. Use . (period) to separate decimals
brandrecommendedbrandThe brand name
price_currencyrequiredpriceCurrencyThe currency in 3 letters format (uppercase)
canonicalLinkrecommendedurlThe product canonical page URL
gtinrecommendedgtin (or gtin8, gtin12, gtin13, gtin14)The GITN
conditionrecommendeditemConditionAllowed values: NewCondition or new, RefurbishedCondition or refurbished, DamagedCondition, UsedCondition or used
additionalImageLinksrecommendedimageOther product images and ratios. Try to provide at least three ratios: 1x1, 4x3 and 16x9. Use the \
shipping0_price_valuerecommendedshippingRate.valueThe price without currency and thousands separator. Use . (period) to separate decimals
shipping0_price_currencyrecommendedshippingRate.currencyThe currency in 3 letters format (uppercase)
shipping0_countryrecommendedshippingDestination.addressCountry2 letters country code (uppercase)
shippingWeight_valuerecommendedweight.valueThe weight
shippingWeight_unitrecommendedweight.unitTextThe weight unit
idno-The merchant id, if available
sourceno-The feed source
contentLanguageno-The content language (2 letters code, lowercase)
targetCountryno-The target country (2 letters code, uppercase).
feedLabelno-The feed name
channelno-The target channel
googleProductCategoryno-Google-defined product category for your product
itemGroupIdnoinProductGroupWithIDA parent SKU, required to group all variant products belonging to the same product group together
Age grouprecommendedProduct.audience.suggestedMinAge, Product.audience.suggestedMaxAgeThe demographic for which your product is intended
ColorrecommendedProduct.colorYour product’s color(s)
GenderrecommendedProduct.audience.suggestedGenderThe gender for which your product is intended
MaterialrecommendedProduct.materialYour product’s fabric or material
Product typerecommendednoProduct category that you define for your product