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Path Parameters
    contentGenerationId int64 required

    The Content Generation id.

Query Parameters
    cursor string

    The cursor

    limit integer

    Default value: 10

    The maximum number of results

    q string

    Search query



    first string nullable required

    The link to the first page.

    items object[] required

    An array of objects.

  • Array [
  • completion string
    content_generation_id int64 required

    The parent content generation id.

    data object

    The data from knowledge graph after applying the graphql query.

    errors object[]

    The set of errors found for record.

  • Array [
  • levelEnum LevelEnum

    Possible values: [RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED]

    The rule level.

    name string
    result string

    Possible values: [PASS, FAIL, SKIP, FIXED]

  • ]
  • has_upvote boolean required

    This indicates whether the user upvoted the completion.

    id int64
    is_accepted boolean required

    This indicates whether the completion is accepted by the user.

    modified_at date-time

    The last modified date-time.

    not_in_prompt_words string[]

    Words in completion that are not in the prompt.

    prompt string required

    The prompt.

    repeated_words object

    Words in completion which are repeated.

    property name* WordRepetitionData

    Words in completion which are repeated.

    count int32
    repeated_in_same_sentence boolean
    status string

    Possible values: [accepted, warnings, errors, valid]

    The status of the record, whether it's accepted, with errors, with warnings or valid.

    validated_at date-time

    The last validation date-time.

    warnings object[]

    The set of errors found for record.

  • Array [
  • levelEnum LevelEnum

    Possible values: [RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED]

    The rule level.

    name string
    result string

    Possible values: [PASS, FAIL, SKIP, FIXED]

  • ]
  • ]
  • last string nullable required

    The link to the last page.

    next string nullable required

    The link to the next page or null if there's no page.

    prev string nullable required

    The link to the previous page or null if there's no page.

    self string nullable required

    The link to the current page.
