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Create Internal Links.

Request Body required
    anchor_text object

    The Anchor Text request.

    enabled boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether to enable Anchor Text, by default false.

    max_characters int32

    Default value: 15

    The maximum anchor text length, by default 15 characters.

    model string

    Default value: gpt-4

    The model to use.

    prompt_template string

    Default value: `As an SEO and content editor, your task is to create a concise and appropriate anchor text to enhance keyword targeting, using the provided keyword and page title. Ensure to maintain a neutral tone and adhere to the examples below for guidance:

    {%- for anchor in anchors -%}

    • Title: {{ anchor.title }}
    • Keyword: {{ anchor.keyword }}
    • Anchor text: {{ anchor.anchor_text }} {%- endfor -%} `

    The prompt template, we provide a default. Liquid template language is supported.

    items object[] required

    An array of items.

  • Array [
  • id uri

    The entity id, reused in the output template.

    query object required

    A query request.

    fields string[]

    List of extra fields to be retrieved.

    filters object[]

    A list of prefilters.

  • Array [
  • filters undefined[]

    Operational filters such as AND or OR.

    key string

    The filter key. Key is required for the filters [EQ, NE, GT, LT, GTE, LTE, IN, NIN]

    operator string required

    Possible values: [EQ, GT, LT, NE, GTE, LTE, IN, NIN, AND, OR]

    A query request filter operator.

    value object

    The filter value.



    The filter value.

  • ]
  • query_embedding double[]

    The list of embeddings, not required if query_string is provided.

    query_string string

    The query string, not required if the query_embeddings are provided. Please note that the query_string is ignored if the query_embeddings are provided.

    query_uri uri

    Perform a Vector Search based on similarities with an entity with the specified URI.

    query_url url

    Perform a Vector Search based on similarities with an entity with the specified URL (schema:url).

    similarity_top_k int32

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 2

    The similarity top K.

    source_name string

    The webpage name, reused in the output template.

  • ]
  • template string

    The output template, not required, we provide a default JSON-LD template



  • Array [
  • string

  • ]