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List the Merchants Syncs

Path Parameters
    merchantId int64 required

    The Merchant's id

Query Parameters
    cursor string

    The cursor

    limit integer

    Default value: 10

    The maximum number of results

    sort string

    Default value: +id

    The sorting, +id or -id



    first string nullable required

    The link to the first page.

    items object[] required

    An array of objects.

  • Array [
  • created_at date-time

    The create date-time.

    error_reason string

    Possible values: <= 500 characters

    Error that caused the synchronization to fail.

    has_errors boolean

    Whether the sync encountered errors.

    id int64

    The unique id.

    merchant_id int64 required

    The parent Merchant id.

    modified_at date-time

    The last modified date-time.

    products_created int32

    The number of created products

    products_deleted int32

    The number of deleted products

    products_errored int32

    The number of errored products

    products_skipped int32

    The number of skipped products

    products_total int32

    The total number of processed products, including the skipped and errored.

    products_updated int32

    The number of update products

    started_at date-time

    The started date-time.

    stopped_at date-time

    The stopped date-time.

  • ]
  • last string nullable required

    The link to the last page.

    next string nullable required

    The link to the next page or null if there's no page.

    prev string nullable required

    The link to the previous page or null if there's no page.

    self string nullable required

    The link to the current page.
