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Request Body required
    fields string[]

    List of extra fields to be retrieved.

    filters object[]

    A list of prefilters.

  • Array [
  • filters undefined[]

    Operational filters such as AND or OR.

    key string

    The filter key. Key is required for the filters [EQ, NE, GT, LT, GTE, LTE, IN, NIN]

    operator string required

    Possible values: [EQ, GT, LT, NE, GTE, LTE, IN, NIN, AND, OR]

    A query request filter operator.

    value object

    The filter value.



    The filter value.

  • ]
  • query_embedding double[]

    The list of embeddings, not required if query_string is provided.

    query_string string

    The query string, not required if the query_embeddings are provided. Please note that the query_string is ignored if the query_embeddings are provided.

    query_uri uri

    Perform a Vector Search based on similarities with an entity with the specified URI.

    query_url url

    Perform a Vector Search based on similarities with an entity with the specified URL (schema:url).

    similarity_top_k int32

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 2

    The similarity top K.



    first string nullable required

    The link to the first page.

    items object[] required

    An array of objects.

  • Array [
  • fields object

    Map of extra retrieved fields. The values of the requested fields are always returned in an array.If no value is found an empty array is returned.

    property name* object[]

    Map of extra retrieved fields. The values of the requested fields are always returned in an array.If no value is found an empty array is returned.

  • Array [
  • object

  • ]
  • id string
    iri string deprecated

    The IRI of the entity that this node belongs to.

    metadata object

    A nodes extra metadata.

    property name* object

    A nodes extra metadata.

    node_id string required

    A nodes id.

    score double required

    The similarity score between the node and the query embeddings.

    text string required

    The text of a node from which the embeddings were generated.

  • ]
  • last string nullable required

    The link to the last page.

    next string nullable required

    The link to the next page or null if there's no page.

    prev string nullable required

    The link to the previous page or null if there's no page.

    self string nullable required

    The link to the current page.
