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List Website Search data

List the Website Search performance data

Query Parameters
    website string required

    The website URL

    cursor string

    The cursor

    since string required

    The start date, inclusive, in yyyy-MM-dd format.

    until string required

    The end date, inclusive, in yyyy-MM-dd format.

    dimensions string[] required

    The dimensions, e.g. query, page. Must repeat for each dimension.

    google_access_token string required

    The Google access token, must have access to the Google Search Console scope

    limit integer

    Default value: 10

    The maximum number of results



    first string nullable required

    The link to the first page.

    items object[] required

    An array of objects.

  • Array [
  • clicks int32 required

    Number of clicks.

    ctr double required


    id int64 required

    The id: it's now a unique id, but a row index.

    impressions int32 required

    Number of impressions.

    keys string[] required

    The keys for the current data, matching the provided dimensions in the query.

    position double required


    score double required

    A score to spot traffic opportunities, from 0.0 to 1.0 (the higher the better). The score is based on the traffic data.

  • ]
  • last string nullable required

    The link to the last page.

    next string nullable required

    The link to the next page or null if there's no page.

    prev string nullable required

    The link to the previous page or null if there's no page.

    self string nullable required

    The link to the current page.
