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Create a Merchant

Request Body required
    access_token string

    Google Merchant access token

    dataset_domain string

    The custom domain (for example

    dataset_name string

    The dataset path (for example "data")

    deleted boolean

    Default value: false

    True if the merchant has been deleted

    google_merchant_id int64 required

    The Google Merchant id

    ignore_brand boolean

    Whether to ignore the brand property during validation

    ignore_image boolean

    Whether to ignore the image property during validation

    publisher_name string required

    The publisher name (shows in schema publisher)

    refresh_token string required

    Google Merchant refresh token

    url string required

    The website URL



    access_token string required

    The Google merchant access token

    account_id int64

    The account id

    automatic_synchronization boolean

    Whether the Merchant data will be synchronized automatically

    created_at date-time

    The create date-time

    dataset_domain string

    The custom domain (for example

    dataset_name string

    The dataset path (for example /data)

    deleted boolean required

    Default value: false

    True if the merchant has been deleted

    deleted_at date-time

    The delete date-time

    google_merchant_id int64 required

    The Google Merchant id

    id int64

    The unique id

    ignore_brand boolean

    Whether to ignore the brand property during validation

    ignore_image boolean

    Whether to ignore the image property during validation

    modified_at date-time

    The last modified date-time

    publisher_name string required

    The publisher name (shows in schema publisher)

    refresh_token string required

    The Google merchant refresh token

    url string

    The website URL
